April 1, 2009

Weekend Work

By In Photography, Thoughts

saturday-005So have you ever felt like it was Friday when it was only Wednesday? Or did you ever think the week must almost be over, but it’s only Tuesday? It’s like our mental clocks are just getting back from vacation with a tan and stories while you’ve been slaving away at the data entry.

That disconnect between reality and um…your mental perception of reality brings us to today’s blog post. Working on the weekends has changed for me a bit. It used to be a pain, but required for my work. But now it’s fine. Whatever. It happens just as often as it doesn’t. I’ve always had to work weekends and holidays for my whole career. But the thing that I didn’t expect recently was that the weekdays have started to feel different. Today is Wednesday and the only thing I have to do tomorrow is one quick shoot in the middle of the day. The rest of the day is just editing. Nice and easy. No driving. So today after work felt the way Fridays used to. I felt free to enjoy my evening. I’m relaxed. I’m enjoying a nice refreshment. Of course I have to go in to work tomorrow, and I have to work on Saturday, but tomorrow isn’t as difficult as today was. So it feels like I kinda have the day off tomorrow.

It’s kind of like doing facebook or some other social networking site that at first requires a lot of your time but then later just becomes a part of your lifestyle. I guess it’s OK if my job isn’t stressing me out. The other day was stressing me out. But I’m not going to go into that here. Anyway, that’s all for now. If that kind of feeling ever happens to you, leave a comment.

Written by Jon Hillenbrand

Jon Hillenbrand is a Chicago-based artist working in photography and filmmaking. He has over 15 years of professional award-winning experience working both locally and nationally in television, print and web advertising. He currently calls Evanston, IL home.
  1. ron April 2, 2009

    What a cool pic! Really nice….

  2. Jon Hillenbrand April 3, 2009

    🙂 Thanks Ron.